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Could your church benefit from additional training and encouragement to evangelize faithfully? We'd love the opportunity to conduct a Biblical evangelism seminar at your church and share powerful testimonies of God's grace on the street. Your church will be greatly edified by Zoe's passion for the Lord, and compassion on the lost. Speaking times can be scheduled during your corporate worship time, Sunday School hour, or mid-week Bible study! We hope to inspire millions of Christians around the world to declare the Gospel boldly to their neighbors for the glory of Jesus Christ! Contact us today and let us know how we can help you!
Training currently Offered:
(for churches, evangelism conferences, small groups, outreach teams, etc.)
Open-Air Evangelism - Declaring the Biblical Gospel as Clearly as Possible to as Many People as Possible
"Everywhere Evangelism" - Intentional, Compassionate, Sacrificial Evangelism in Daily Life
Gospel Tracts 101
Abortion Mill Ministry
Presentation of "Things You Say To Us (in the abortion debate)", an anti-abortion apologetics resource.
Evangelist Training & Long Term Mentoring
Speaking to Sunday School classes, Men's Groups, Bible College, or Seminary Classes about Biblical Evangelism / Open-Air Preaching
Inspiring Testimonies From The Street
Sermons & Bible Studies on the Gospel and Evangelism
You may also request a topic or Scripture to be discussed/preached.
for speaking events over 200 miles from Baton Rouge, la,
we kindly request travel accommodations be made.
thank you!

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