Church Partnership
Has your church already set the annual budget ?
Are you concerned about taking on another monthly expense?
We understand.
That's why we've made it easy for churches to partner with DTM.
adopt-a-month that works for your church

- During the adopted month -
Your church commits to pray for DTM.
This can be done in any format you choose:
Corporately, in staff meeting, through a newsletter/social media pages, in small groups, etc.
Whatever way works best for YOUR church is fine with us!
Church leadership shares DTM updates/materials with the congregation that we provide you.
The month prior to your adopted month, we will mail your church a small package including our DTM rack cards to display on your resource table along with other FREE resources to share with your congregation. This helps us share our story around the nation with like minded believers and give something back to you as a Thank You for being willing to share our story.
Your church commits to take up a love offering for DTM.
It's our desire only to be blessing and not a burden to the churches partnering with us.
We've intentionally created this partnership program with no financial commitments and no need to rework the annual budget. We deeply value the time of the pastors and church staff we partner with.
If you would be willing to Adopt-a-month
or have more questions please email DTM.