Thank you for visiting our site! Have a look around while you're here. Please read through our brief guidelines before submitting your request. May God the Father transform you into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ, and empower you through the Holy Spirit to declare His truth.
Please help us be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. Please limit requests to one book per person, and make only one request. Allow up to 2-3 weeks for postal delivery.
Complete United States addresses only. We do not have the resources currently to ship internationally. If you request literature via email or our contact form and your shipping address is non-U.S., we will ignore the message. Please see the links above for online Bible options or search the internet for churches and/or ministries in your country for a free Bible.
Please do not submit a request for someone other than yourself. For friends and family, send them this link (DeclaringTruth.com/freebooks) and allow your friend to submit their own requests.
If you need additional copies of "Things You Say To Us" to distribute, please consider purchasing a 10 pack here.
Free Book Resource

The Good News of Jesus according to the apostle John with a short summary of the gospel on the back cover. Glossy Booklet. New King James Version.

The Good News of Jesus according to the apostle John with a short summary of the gospel on the back cover. Glossy Booklet. Reina-Valera 1960. La Buena Nueva de Jesús según el apóstol Juan con un breve resumen del evangelio en la contraportada.

14 Page Full-Color Booklet | Features 37 pro-abortion arguments answered concisely from a Biblical worldview, verified images of abortion, a thorough Gospel presentation, and a list of resources for those considering abortion. Glossy Booklet.
A Note From The Director
The Free Book Resource is our attempt to "follow up" and capitalize on the powerful Gospel conversations we have on the street with unbelievers. From 2020-2022 we distributed hundreds of Bibles and sound Christian books, but due to a lack of funding we had to suspend the bulk of the operation. If you desire to see this resource grow, prayerfully consider giving a tax-deductible one-time or recurring gift to DTM. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel!
Soli Deo Gloria!
Zoe R. White
Declaring Truth Ministries
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